Travel: Mt. Daraitan Descent (05/26/2013)

(This is the fourth part in a series of five entries for Tanay – Daraitan)

Slippery Descent

After we got our proper dose of sunlight and warmth, we prepared cups of chocolate drink or coffee and sandwiches to satisfy our bellies and get ready for the descent. After our breakfast, we cleared the camp and went down the mountain. We posed for a picture at one of the other peaks near the summit.



If you think that going down is a lot easier than climbing up, you are definitely, definitely wrong. The heavy rain that dumped so much water made the trail more muddy and slippery. Trekking down also placed a lot of pressure on our knees. It occasionally inflicted pain and induced cramps from time to time. Also, angle of descent is now 30 – 60 degrees. A couple of slips here and there, butt bumps on the ground, scratches and bruises and we finally reached the grasslands. Whew.



Buko Juice Pit stop



We walked another trail that leads to Tinipak River after the grasslands. Ground was loose and was rocky at the same time. Our water supplies were almost empty (except for my Gatorade). Luckily, our guide told us that he can get Coconut / Buko Juice along the way. Coconuts are also known as the “Tree of Life” – taught since primary school.  I think the one who coined the term for the tree is definitely correct. The juice, rich is electrolytes, energized and refreshed our bodies.



Hello Civilization


We stumbled upon a couple of houses and plantations of calamansi and mangoes along the trail. We also get the chance to meet and greet goats, horses and dogs along the way until we reached Tinipak River.

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Hello Tinipak River!



Part 1:

Part 2:

Part 3:

Part 4:

Part 5:

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